Rehabilitation of the Lateral Spillway and Crowning Walls of the Queimadela’s Dam

Águas do Norte
Fafe, Portugal
2016 - 2017

The project involves the hydraulic modelling of the lateral spillway, as well the as verification of the combined discharge capacity (lateral spillway and channel, and central main spillways).

It also includes pathology correction on the crowning walls of the dam (concrete pathologies) and civil works on the existing channels in order to adapt the dam to its new operation regime that results from the modification of the maximum storage capacity level and maximum flood level.


Águas do Norte

Fafe, Portugal

Rehabilitation of the Lateral Spillway and Crowning Walls of the Queimadela’s Dam


Águas do Norte

Fafe, Portugal

Rehabilitation of the Lateral Spillway and Crowning Walls of the Queimadela’s Dam

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