DOUROECI -ENGENHARIA, CONSULTORIA E INOVAÇÃO, LDA with the support of the Agency for Investment and Commerce of Portugal, E.P.E. (AICEP), within the scope of the Portugal 2020 Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program and Project No. 12845, developed its internationalization process in several countries, including Angola, Cape Verde, Egypt and Qatar, aiming at a diversification approach and a strategy business development and expansion of the company's activity in international markets. The internationalization initiatives involved the creation of highly qualified jobs, prospecting actions and market knowledge, digital marketing initiatives and participation in international events. DouroECI thus fulfilled the various objectives it proposed, from activity in target markets, as established, hiring and maintaining technicians (who remained in the company), promoting the balance of gender equality in the company, ensuring the development of solutions and products and ensuring participation in fairs and various market prospecting activities, with projectsin 6 markets.
The project had a global investment amount of € 139,228.13 (One hundred and thirty-nine thousand, two hundred and twenty-eight euros and thirteen cents), having been financed € 59,952.66 (Fifty-nine thousand, nine hundred and fifty-two euros and sixty-six cents).